Saturday, January 21, 2012

Settling in, finally.

So I have been trying to get into yoga lately. The problem there, is that I am also trying to learn to be more disciplined to work out at home. As much as I say, "I'll wake up early and work out before I have to get ready for work"... it never seems to work out. So instead, I end up working out on days where I have off and overdo it to compensate for all the days I don't work out resulting me to be completely sore, feeling like a 75 year old woman on the night I have off. Needless to say, I am camping on my couch tonight listening to music, drinking a glass of wine and catching up on my blog.

Happy 2012! I fully intend on having one of the best years yet.... and it is already off to a good start. I am here. I am in a place where a year ago I didn't think I would actually get to. Everyone had their doubts, even myself. I thought that for some reason, the very last minute..something would end up messing our whole plan up and we would end up staying in KY and proving everyone right. Well, we were all wrong I guess. I know I had it in me, but at the same time... I have overly impressed myself by actually going through with it and staying in one piece. I am completely homesick on days where nothing seems to go right, but obviously that is natural. Most days, I'd say, I am completely healthy and content where I am.

School and work are both equally making life very hectic at the moment. I don't know why getting back into the swing of things has to be so difficult. After all, I am trying to be productive and do the right thing.... so why does it have to be this hard? I have been busting my butt at work for really, nothing. The only plus to the whole work thing.. is that I have met some pretty awesome people. Some of which I have become pretty good friends with. That's always a good start in a new town. Having friends goes a long way if you're in my situation. I have also been able to pay my bills and have some left over for play time. Although, here lately, I feel as if I have been waiting tables for so long now that I am completely burnt out and the only thing I want to do is something that will benefit me in my future. I think it's probably because I am wayyy overdue to get back into school. 2 more weeks and the fun begins! And I am sure in a couple weeks, I will still be rambling on about how stressed I am, and how much school is pissing me off. Alas, that is life. "Salavi".

My parents and I have gotten extremely close since I've moved to California. It's amazing how much my dad wants to talk on the phone now. When I lived home, he didn't even make a genuine effort to see me in person, but now.... I can't get off the phone with the man! I absolutely love it. We email each other, we send pictures and presents in the mail. I guess it's true when they say "you don't know what you have till it's gone"... I'm just glad we are so incredibly close. I can't wait to see them again. I miss them in ways I didn't think I could. Especially my nieces. I can't wait to see Chloe again and squeeze the life out of her (not literally, obviously)... but, gosh.... do I miss having her sweet little face around. Christina and Audrey moved back to Seattle with Steve, so I am glad they are at least in the same time zone. They came to visit around Christmas time, and it was absolutely wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better time for them to come visit. I can't wait till we are able to make trips halfway to see each other. I love my sisters sooo much, they are seriously the best friends I could ever ask for. I am so lucky.

Speaking of best friends, my best friend of 13 years is coming to visit next week. I can't tell you how stoked I am to see her, to show her around LA and really, I am mostly excited about the 4 of us just hanging around the apartment, playing euchre and catching up. I am sooo needing a visit from a good friend right now! That is always something to look forward to... and I will be visiting home for Spring Break in April. Sooo many things to be excited about. Hopefully things will smooth out with school and work, and I can sit back and let it happen. Easier said than done, right? Well goodnight all..... till next time <3

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